Monday, 29 February 2016

Telecaster Two build - neck profiling and milling

I've posted all of the pictures and processes from here onwards with the other guitar build, so not much detail.

I started to carve the neck, as usual getting the first and 12th fret thicknesses and profile correct:

I'm using a modern thickness around 20mm and 22mm at the 1st and 12th respectively, and a C shaped carve copied from my Parker Fly.

Once you've got the profiles approimately correct, get rid of all the wood in between using planes, files, rasps, teeth..:

I've been doing the majority of the work on the guitar in the evenings recently, so most noisy power tools are out. I got a window for using the router, and milled the back of the neck down so that the total thickness of the fretboard and neck was the correct 1":

I also milled the front of the headstock down so that its thickness was reduced to about 15mm:

Leaving the transition to the fretboard to be shaped later:

Then back to the neck, it slowly gets closer with the japanese saw rasp:

Eventually when you get close enough, you can colour in the neck and sand back to reveal low spots and knock back high spots:

And this is as close as I got. Soon you won't be able to see the profiles at the 1st and 12th, there will just be one straight line connecting the two.

 One more session on this is needed to finish it and the heel / headstock transition.

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