Thursday 3 December 2015

Telecaster build - binding!

[No longer posting retrospectively...]

Binding looks classy; this is how I want this guitar to look; better get on with it. 

I did a test:

Looks pretty good: 

So went for it for real. This was stressful. Pretty high risk on an otherwise finished body. However, it went well:

And even looks pretty good around the heel, bit of router burn as you go accross the grain, but nothing too bad (I've seen, and certainly done, much worse!):

One more shot:

Then I got ready to glue. I used weld on glue (the stuff Stew Mac sell) which isn't workable for all that long. Get all your tape torn off in advance and line it up within easy reach of the piece of work: 

And go for it. Here's a halfway shot, working pretty quickly so it's the only one I took: 

Clamped in one of my forstner bits to bold the sharp little radius by the heel:

And a few hours later:

Just need to resist the temptation to start working the binding, the glue apparently needs a few days to fully cure.

Unbelievably, this is biggest, and only, gap in the binding (right on the top of the horn). Should be no problem to cover this up with acetone (or superglue given how small it is):

Pretty happy with how this turned out, rear binding to do next which should be much trickier thanks to trying to get it around the heel. The binding material felt like it didn't want to bend much more than that sharp curve in the upper bout, so got a bit of reading up to do in the next couple of days on techniques to get it round the corners of that heel. I imagine heat, acetone and a nice cup of tea will be involved...

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